26 March 2024

TDC 'nuclear option' considered - Weekly briefing - March 26, 2024

Essential human-curated Florida Keys news, all in one place. 

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BOCC sours on TDC Executive Director. In a candid discussion toward the end of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting on March 20th, County Mayor Holly Raschein disclosed that Stacey Mitchell had not yet agreed to an interview that is integral to the BOCC-ordered audit of the Tourist Development Council's non-profic marketing firm, Visit Florida Keys.
  • Attorney unable to attend. Mitchell was scheduled to talk with auditors on Friday, but she cancelled because she was unable to have her attorney present at the time of the interview and the auditors would not allow the interview to be done virtually with Mitchell and her attorney, Mitchell said. “I am not refusing to talk to them,” Mitchell said. “He (her attorney) wants to be there, and he wasn’t able to be there in person.”
  • Cates wants to move forward. Commissioner Craig Cates reiterated his willingness to terminate the agreement with Mitchell. 
  • Lincoln extremely disappointed. Commissioner Michelle Lincoln expressed her frustration, and asked how much lead time is required to terminate either the employment contract with Mitchell, and / or the entire agreement with Visit Florida Keys, the non-profit hired by the TDC. It was later announced that 120 days notice is required to terminate either contract. 
  • TDC meets on March 26. The next meeting of the TDC board is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26 at 10:00 a.m. at the DoubleTree resort in Key West. Note that there  is no option to attend this meeting remotely, nor will a video be posted after the fact. An audio recording is available upon request. 
Fresh takes on takings. Earlier that day, the BOCC held the first of a series of public workshops on the potential for issuing new residential building permits in the wake of FloridaCommerce's 2023 Hurricane evacuation study of the Keys. The meeting ran for more than three hours. 
  • Mythbusting. Monroe County attorney Derek Howard's detailed presentation deconstructed the concept of 'takings,'' the Constitutional protection of  property owners from uncompensated government interference in using their property. The threat of takings liability has been used to justify a push for issuing more permits.
  • Fewer actual properties. County staffers Emily Schemper and Christine Hurley presented the result of their review of properties that might actually risk takings liability to the county. One estimate held that only 2,220 properties are prospectively eligible, far fewer than  the nearly 8,000 properties for which permits could be issued.
Weed and abortion referenda to be decided soon. The Florida Supreme Court has been reviewing the amendments’ language and must decide whether they can appear on the 2024 ballot by April 1. 

Can kicked down the road. The  planned redo of 2023 traffic study that the Monroe County Board of County Commission rejected after parts of U.S.1 received a failing grade was delayed further because signal timing improvements that were planned had not been completed, and wouldn't be done until  after peak traffic season. No new date for the study redo was part of the resolution to delay, which passed unanimously with little discussion. 
  • Failing grade overlooked. Had the BOCC accepted the 2023 study, it would have been required to suspend all new commercial development until the failing sections had been remediated. 
  • Cemex to Publix project was okayed. By rejecting the study with the failing grade. the BOCC was able to approve the new Publix for Tavernier.  
  • Florida is a holdout as one of only 10 states that has not expanded Medicaid, state and federally-funded insurance for low-income people under the Affordable Care Act.
  • But not right away. The road is long for organizers in Florida, but in every state where Medicaid expansion has gotten on the ballot, it's passed. Nearly a million petition signatures are needed to get it on the ballot in 2026, and then 60% of voters would need to approve it.
Police calls are down. Key West's Police Department has seen a steady decline in calls for service and 911 calls to dispatch over the last three months, as well as a decline in reports generated and arrests. 

An end to homeless camping? House Bill 1365, entitled “Unauthorized Public Camping and Public Sleeping” was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis
  • Clean and safe. DeSantis heavily endorsed a push to crack down on public camping in early February, standing at a podium with a sign reading “Don’t Allow Florida to Become San Francisco. DeSantis said the bill, to take effect on Oct. 1, will “help maintain and ensure that Florida streets are clean and safe for our residents.”
  • Details, details. While providing clear direction to the state as a whole on Florida’s treatment of homeless encampments moving forward, numerous clauses within the bill leave plenty of mud in the water as to how exactly it will apply in the Florida Keys.
DeSantis ready for chasin' the Haitians. Worried the chaos and violence in Haiti will trigger a surge in migrants attempting to come to the U.S. by boat, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending more than 250 officers and National and State Guard troops to the southern part of the state
  • Some Haitian-American leaders believe it's more about politics than preparedness.
  • So far, the Coast Guard says it has not seen an increase in the number of Haitians attempting the hazardous crossing.
Realtor's commission will likely drop. The National Association of Realtors announced it had settled an antitrust lawsuit that had claimed the organization and its real estate agents colluded with brokerage firms, pressuring home sellers to pay high commission fees to agents.
  • Commission fees will be negotiable and, according to the settlement terms, cannot be included in the MLS listing for a property. Rather, the fee must be negotiated individually for each sale with each agent.
  • In announcing the settlement, NAR did not set a new suggested commission fee, but the current 6% standard is significantly higher than the 1% and 2% commissions paid in other countries such as the U.K. and Israel, according to CNN.
Staffing companies operator sentenced to four years. In a press release, the U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Florida announced that Petr Sutka was sentenced to four years in prison for running a series of labor hospitality staffing companies that served hotels, bars and restaurants in Key West and elsewhere. 
  • The companies employed non-resident aliens not authorized to work in the United States, and did not did not report the wages to the IRS, or withhold federal income taxes and Social Security and Medicare taxes. 
  • In addition to his prison sentence, U.S. District Court Judge Jose E. Martinez ordered Sutka to serve three years of supervised release and to pay $3,551,423.84 in restitution. 
  • Sutka’s co-conspirators Vasil Khatiashvili and Zdenek Strnad are scheduled to be sentenced on April 22.
Capacity of the Keys. Keys Weekly published an opinion piece that looked at the concept of capacity beyond just the hurricane evacuation model

Did we change? Linda Cunningham said that most of us unconsciously now mark time as before and after Covid, and looked at how much did (and did not) change since then. 

Lazy asses of the hawk world. Mark Hedden considered broad-winged hawks and domesticated chickens.  

Our Eyes

A broad-winged hawk surveys the world from atop a power pole - Mark Hedden

Previously in Key West Voices

Hospital fails Key WestLinda Cunningham followed up on last week's news about Lower Keys Medical Center, and City Commissioner Sam Kaufman's plan to form a task force to consider options ahead of the contract expiration in 2029. Kaufman reported to the City Commission last year that troubled parent company CHS pulled about $31 million in profit from Lower Keys, while closing the one cancer treatment center here. There are 63 job postings now, including physicians and surgeons, a lot of empty spots for a facility that says it has 144-200 employees.
Haitian invasion? Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending up to 133 soldiers to the Florida Keys in anticipation of a potential influx of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers from Haiti, which has been  afflicted by gang violence recently.

Publix buys Keys Plaza. Supermarket industry and commercial real estate publications reported that Publix has purchased Keys Plaza for $74 million. The site is the grocer's second Key West location (where Albertsons was), as well as the shuttered KMart store. No plans were announced in conjunction with the sale. 

City opposed North Roosevelt palm removal. The Key West City Commission approved a resolution requesting FDOT remove the guardrails from plans and maintain the palm trees. An FDOT construction project scheduled to start in 2025 calls for the removal of the palms from the end of U.S. 1 to nearly Eisenhower Drive to make room for guardrails to be installed along the path and the bay.

Golf course opposed. Overdevelopment concerns and resident demands for transparency surrounding the upcoming Florida Keys Resort at the Florida Keys Country Club property once again brought out a full house to the Marathon City Council’s March 12 session.
State funds budgeted for the Keys. Florida legislators approved a $117.5 billion budget to conclude a 60-day session in Tallahassee on March 8. Funds for a number of Florida Keys projects were included in the state spending plan, but not all requests were granted for the southernmost county. The budget awaits Gov. DeSantis' signature, subject to his line-item veto authority. 

Liveaboard rate increase postponed at Garrison Bight. After a heated debate and angry public comments, Key West city commissioners postponed for up to 90 days implementing a significant rate hike for some live-aboard boaters at the city-owned Garrison Bight Marina. The rate increase for part-time boaters docked at the marina had been scheduled to go into effect on April 1.

ROGO workshop scheduled for Key Largo. The first of a series of ROGO workshops is scheduled at for 10 a.m. on March 20 at the Murray Nelson Government Center in Key Largo. Florida Keys leaders have 10 months to respond to the state on which hurricane evacuation model is best for the island chain, a decision that will determine if or how many additional residential building permits will be issued.

Underwater speakers help restore degraded reefs. Researchers have discovered a new method that could encourage the restoration of degraded coral reef populations

Not just in Monopoly. Mandy Miles appreciated free parking in Key West after learning an expensive lesson.

Which hysterical bird? Mark Hedden is rereading Elizabeth Bishop's poems, in the hope of determining what birds were having temper tantrums.  

19 March 2024

Hospital fails Key West - Weekly briefing - March 19, 2024

Essential human-curated Florida Keys news, all in one place. 

Subscribe to Key West Voices for free. See something that should be in Voices? Click here to share it with us.

Our Community

Hospital fails Key WestLinda Cunningham followed up on last week's news about Lower Keys Medical Center, and City Commissioner Sam Kaufman's plan to form a task force to consider options ahead of the contract expiration in 2029. Kaufman reported to the City Commission last year that troubled parent company CHS pulled about $31 million in profit from Lower Keys, while closing the one cancer treatment center here. There are 63 job postings now, including physicians and surgeons, a lot of empty spots for a facility that says it has 144-200 employees.
Haitian invasion? Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending up to 133 soldiers to the Florida Keys in anticipation of a potential influx of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers from Haiti, which has been  afflicted by gang violence recently.

Publix buys Keys Plaza. Supermarket industry and commercial real estate publications reported that Publix has purchased Keys Plaza for $74 million. The site is the grocer's second Key West location (where Albertsons was), as well as the shuttered KMart store. No plans were announced in conjunction with the sale. 

City opposed North Roosevelt palm removal. The Key West City Commission approved a resolution requesting FDOT remove the guardrails from plans and maintain the palm trees. An FDOT construction project scheduled to start in 2025 calls for the removal of the palms from the end of U.S. 1 to nearly Eisenhower Drive to make room for guardrails to be installed along the path and the bay.

Golf course opposed. Overdevelopment concerns and resident demands for transparency surrounding the upcoming Florida Keys Resort at the Florida Keys Country Club property once again brought out a full house to the Marathon City Council’s March 12 session.
State funds budgeted for the Keys. Florida legislators approved a $117.5 billion budget to conclude a 60-day session in Tallahassee on March 8. Funds for a number of Florida Keys projects were included in the state spending plan, but not all requests were granted for the southernmost county. The budget awaits Gov. DeSantis' signature, subject to his line-item veto authority. 

Liveaboard rate increase postponed at Garrison Bight. After a heated debate and angry public comments, Key West city commissioners postponed for up to 90 days implementing a significant rate hike for some live-aboard boaters at the city-owned Garrison Bight Marina. The rate increase for part-time boaters docked at the marina had been scheduled to go into effect on April 1.

ROGO workshop scheduled for Key Largo. The first of a series of ROGO workshops is scheduled at for 10 a.m. on March 20 at the Murray Nelson Government Center in Key Largo. Florida Keys leaders have 10 months to respond to the state on which hurricane evacuation model is best for the island chain, a decision that will determine if or how many additional residential building permits will be issued.

Underwater speakers help restore degraded reefs. Researchers have discovered a new method that could encourage the restoration of degraded coral reef populations

Not just in Monopoly. Mandy Miles appreciated free parking in Key West after learning an expensive lesson.

Which hysterical bird? Mark Hedden is rereading Elizabeth Bishop's poems, in the hope of determining what birds were having temper tantrums.  

Our Eyes

Dragonfly - Lynne Bentley-Kemp

Previously in Key West Voices

Hospital operator has money and legal troubles. Keys Weekly advised us that Community Health Service (CHS), the private for-profit company that runs Lower Keys Medical Center (LKMC) has money trouble, according to its own financial reports. CHS operates 71 hospitals. 
  • And a federal investigation. In a Feb. 21 filing with the SEC, CHS also said it is under federal investigation
  • Not the first time. In 2018, CHS subsidiary Health Management Associates agreed to pay the federal government $262 million to resolve allegations of billing irregularities.  
  • There are five years left on the 30 year contract awarded to CHS to run LKMC.
  • Taxing district - Lower Florida Keys Hospital District is a state-chartered special taxing district to provide and maintain a hospital in the district which runs from Key West to the Seven Mile Bridge.
  • Kaufman task force. “I don’t think people realize what a critical time we’re in with only five years left on this lease,” said City Commissioner Sam Kaufman, who is forming a task force to investigate options. Dr. Jack Norris wants to participate
  • $31 million in profits. Keys Weekly called up a 2023 article in which Kaufman questioned CHS. "We have a deficit of physicians. We don’t have a cancer center. We don’t have a first-class cardiac care center. … But what I do see is $31 million in profit for 2022 going from our hospital to CHS."
  •  An advocacy group called Our Hospital Key West is asking the local board that oversees LKMC to find a different operator rather than renew the lease with CHS.
$26 million TDC surplus earmarked for workforce housing. The Florida Legislature has agreed to let Monroe County leaders spend $25 million in surplus TDC tax revenue to build workforce housing.
TDC audit scrutinizes contracts. The third audit by the County Clerk questioned increases in TDC spending with Tinsley Advertising & Marketing since 2019 and if that company is receiving preferential treatment when bidding on the (now) $36 million-a-year contract. The audit cleared Tinsley itself of wrongdoing. 

Coach Dex remembered. Beloved Key West teacher and basketball coach Dexter Butler died suddenly on March 2, in a freak accident that shattered the community.
Drop dead. Chris Hamilton is irked by the County's (and one commissioner in particular) continued unwillingness to give up its reserved parking spots on Southard Street needed to realize the city's plan for an uninterrupted bike lane from White Street to the Truman Waterfront Park, despite the recent move by the Supervisor of Elections to Stock Island.   

City Commission to meet. The regular meeting of the Key West City Commission begins at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 14.  

12 March 2024

LKMC operator has money and legal troubles - Weekly briefing - March 12, 2024

Essential human-curated Florida Keys news, all in one place. 

Subscribe to Key West Voices for free. See something that should be in Voices? Click here to share it with us.

Our Community

Hospital operator has money and legal troubles. Keys Weekly advised us that Community Health Service (CHS), the private for-profit company that runs Lower Keys Medical Center (LKMC) has money trouble, according to its own financial reports. CHS operates 71 hospitals. 
  • And a federal investigation. In a Feb. 21 filing with the SEC, CHS also said it is under federal investigation
  • Not the first time. In 2018, CHS subsidiary Health Management Associates agreed to pay the federal government $262 million to resolve allegations of billing irregularities.  
  • There are five years left on the 30 year contract awarded to CHS to run LKMC.
  • Taxing district - Lower Florida Keys Hospital District is a state-chartered special taxing district to provide and maintain a hospital in the district which runs from Key West to the Seven Mile Bridge.
  • Kaufman task force. “I don’t think people realize what a critical time we’re in with only five years left on this lease,” said City Commissioner Sam Kaufman, who is forming a task force to investigate options. Dr. Jack Norris wants to participate
  • $31 million in profits. Keys Weekly called up a 2023 article in which Kaufman questioned CHS. "We have a deficit of physicians. We don’t have a cancer center. We don’t have a first-class cardiac care center. … But what I do see is $31 million in profit for 2022 going from our hospital to CHS."
  •  An advocacy group called Our Hospital Key West is asking the local board that oversees LKMC to find a different operator rather than renew the lease with CHS.
$26 million TDC surplus earmarked for workforce housing. The Florida Legislature has agreed to let Monroe County leaders spend $25 million in surplus TDC tax revenue to build workforce housing.
TDC audit scrutinizes contracts. The third audit by the County Clerk questioned increases in TDC spending with Tinsley Advertising & Marketing since 2019 and if that company is receiving preferential treatment when bidding on the (now) $36 million-a-year contract. The audit cleared Tinsley itself of wrongdoing. 

Coach Dex remembered. Beloved Key West teacher and basketball coach Dexter Butler died suddenly on March 2, in a freak accident that shattered the community.
Drop dead. Chris Hamilton is irked by the County's (and one commissioner in particular) continued unwillingness to give up its reserved parking spots on Southard Street needed to realize the city's plan for an uninterrupted bike lane from White Street to the Truman Waterfront Park, despite the recent move by the Supervisor of Elections to Stock Island.   

City Commission to meet. The regular meeting of the Key West City Commission begins at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 14.  

Our Eyes

Good Morning - Alyson Crean

Previously in Key West Voices

Yet another TDC audit raises doubts. In the latest of its (so far) three audits of Monroe County's Tourism Development Council, the Monroe County Clerk found a lack of transparency by the TDC. Between fiscal year 2022 and 2023, TDC increased its advertising budget from $18.6 million to $30.2 million – without providing “any economic justification for such a material increase.”
  • Bidding fairness. The audit also challenged the fairness of its bidding process, questioned whether Tinsley Advertising is receiving preferential treatment, and recommended the TDC rebid the contract. Tinsley itself passed the audit. 
  • Read it yourself. Of course, you may read the entire audit here
  • Correction. Last week's KWV asserted that no recording of the TDC board meeting on February 20 was available. In fact, a link to an often poor quality audio recording of the nearly two hour meeting was readily provided to KWV upon request. KWV apologizes for the error. However, there's no mention of the recording's availability on TDC's page on the County's web site. 
Sam I am... not. Contrary to his earlier statements to local media, incumbent city commissioner Sam Kaufman confirmed that he will not run for Key West mayor and would instead remain on the commission
Local candidates appeared at Hometown Key West's Call for Candidates gathering on February 26.
Mysterious aquatic deaths. Many media outlets, including some on the mainland, are reporting on a spate of unexplained deaths of endangered sawfish in the Keys, as well as various fish species swimming upside down in circles. Theories about the cause abound, urgent research is underway and proposed, but answers remain elusive.
  • Reward offered. Federal wildlife officers responded in January to reports of an unhealthy-looking sawfish. Officers found the sawfish, beached on a shallow flat oceanside of Geiger Key, missing its saw-shaped snout. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement said it is offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information that leads to a criminal conviction or a civil penalty of whoever injured or mutilated the sawfish.  
Abortion rights heading for the ballot? Florida voters could have the chance on November 5 to protect a woman’s right to have an abortion by approving an amendment to the state constitution.
  • A statewide campaign led by Floridians Protecting Freedom collected 996,512 signatures — more than 100,000 more than the 891,523 that were needed.
  • Supreme Court review. Now the amendment language must be approved by the state Supreme Court. The court’s ruling on the Amendment 4 ballot initiative is due by April 1. The justices are not supposed to consider the merits of the case or the proposal, just the proposed ballot wording.
Cruise ship cap upheld in Federal court. Safer Cleaner Ships celebrated a Federal court ruling (by a Trump-appointed judge) upholding cruise ship restrictions approved by voters in Bar Harbor, Maine. While the ruling has no immediate impact here due to the Florida legislature's preemption of the three majority-approved referenda limiting cruise ships in Key West, SCS said that the people of Key West should "take strength from the fact that a federal judge has found clear Constitutional authority for municipalities to limit cruise ship passenger disembarkations at private facilities such as Pier B."   

Foul play is not suspected. Dexter Butler, a “beloved” teacher and basketball coach at Key West High School, was found dead in a storm drain near the school on Saturday morning, police said.

Time travel. Linda Cunningham took us back to the 1980's with her love for reading old newspapers. There's truth behind the old saw that the more things change..
  • Plus c'est la même chose... Linda gifted us this 1999 gem from the New York Times that includes a quote from recent Fantasy Fest Queen and local favorite Fran Decker.
Improving pedestrian safety. KWV guiding spirit Chris Hamilton wrote in praise of the many pedestrian safety improvements made by the City of Key West

Weird looking duck. Mark Hedden introduced us to a sexy duck, the red-breasted merganser

05 March 2024

Yet another TDC audit / Sam I am... not - Weekly briefing - March 5, 2024

Essential human-curated Florida Keys news, all in one place. 

Subscribe to Key West Voices for free. See something that should be in Voices? Click here to share it with us.

Our Community


Yet another TDC audit raises doubts. In the latest of its (so far) three audits of Monroe County's Tourism Development Council, the Monroe County Clerk found a lack of transparency by the TDC. Between fiscal year 2022 and 2023, TDC increased its advertising budget from $18.6 million to $30.2 million – without providing “any economic justification for such a material increase.”
  • Bidding fairness. The audit also challenged the fairness of its bidding process, questioned whether Tinsley Advertising is receiving preferential treatment, and recommended the TDC rebid the contract. Tinsley itself passed the audit. 
  • Read it yourself. Of course, you may read the entire audit here
  • Correction. Last week's KWV asserted that no recording of the TDC board meeting on February 20 was available. In fact, a link to an often poor quality audio recording of the nearly two hour meeting was readily provided to KWV upon request. KWV apologizes for the error. However, there's no mention of the recording's availability on TDC's page on the County's web site. 
Sam I am... not. Contrary to his earlier statements to local media, incumbent city commissioner Sam Kaufman confirmed that he will not run for Key West mayor and would instead remain on the commission
Local candidates appeared at Hometown Key West's Call for Candidates gathering on February 26.
Mysterious aquatic deaths. Many media outlets, including some on the mainland, are reporting on a spate of unexplained deaths of endangered sawfish in the Keys, as well as various fish species swimming upside down in circles. Theories about the cause abound, urgent research is underway and proposed, but answers remain elusive.
  • Reward offered. Federal wildlife officers responded in January to reports of an unhealthy-looking sawfish. Officers found the sawfish, beached on a shallow flat oceanside of Geiger Key, missing its saw-shaped snout. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement said it is offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information that leads to a criminal conviction or a civil penalty of whoever injured or mutilated the sawfish.  
Abortion rights heading for the ballot? Florida voters could have the chance on November 5 to protect a woman’s right to have an abortion by approving an amendment to the state constitution.
  • A statewide campaign led by Floridians Protecting Freedom collected 996,512 signatures — more than 100,000 more than the 891,523 that were needed.
  • Supreme Court review. Now the amendment language must be approved by the state Supreme Court. The court’s ruling on the Amendment 4 ballot initiative is due by April 1. The justices are not supposed to consider the merits of the case or the proposal, just the proposed ballot wording.
Cruise ship cap upheld in Federal court. Safer Cleaner Ships celebrated a Federal court ruling (by a Trump-appointed judge) upholding cruise ship restrictions approved by voters in Bar Harbor, Maine. While the ruling has no immediate impact here due to the Florida legislature's preemption of the three majority-approved referenda limiting cruise ships in Key West, SCS said that the people of Key West should "take strength from the fact that a federal judge has found clear Constitutional authority for municipalities to limit cruise ship passenger disembarkations at private facilities such as Pier B."   

Foul play is not suspected. Dexter Butler, a “beloved” teacher and basketball coach at Key West High School, was found dead in a storm drain near the school on Saturday morning, police said.

Time travel. Linda Cunningham took us back to the 1980's with her love for reading old newspapers. There's truth behind the old saw that the more things change..
  • Plus c'est la même chose... Linda gifted us this 1999 gem from the New York Times that includes a quote from recent Fantasy Fest Queen and local favorite Fran Decker.
Improving pedestrian safety. KWV guiding spirit Chris Hamilton wrote in praise of the many pedestrian safety improvements made by the City of Key West

Weird looking duck. Mark Hedden introduced us to a sexy duck, the red-breasted merganser

Daylight savings time resumes at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, March 10. Most computers and phones will automatically adjust. 

Our Eyes

Gone, But Not Forgotten - C.J. Groth

Previously in Key West Voices

No Keys homes for regular folk. In an insightful and sobering analysis of the harsh realities of home ownership here, Linda Cunningham made clear how regular folks just can't live here anymore. Her proposed remedy is worthy of your considerationEssential reading. 

TDC stands behind its suspended executive director. In the wake of a second harsh audit of Monroe County's Tourism Development Council, its board members met on February 20 in a meeting for which no remote access nor video recording was available. They defeated by a vote of 7-2 a motion to fire TDC director Stacey Mitchell made by board member and County Commissioner Craig Cates. Mitchell was earlier suspended by the TDC board, with pay, while other audits are underway. 
Probably Roman back. The BOCC approved county administrator Roman Gastesi's retirement for at least six monthsPer state law, Gastesi could come back to his position after six months, which he said he wants to do.

Public engagement plan on ROGOs. A presentation to the BOCC outlined its plan to take public input on the controversial plan to issue new residential building permits. Gastesi said it's the most important issue facing the Florida Keys.

Not just your imagination; record January traffic at EYW. Key West International Airport reported a nearly 16% increase in passenger numbers over January 2023, outpacing every January passenger count on record at the airport. 
  • AA touts low fares. As evidence of TDC and American Airline's marketing prowess, similar stories touting low fares to Key West appeared almost simultaneously in multiple publications
Dead coral. A team of researchers documented significant coral mortality from this past summer’s heatwave in Keys coral restoration sites.

Choppers grounded. Monroe County has temporarily grounded its three air ambulances after one of the Sikorski S76 helicopters made an emergency landing at Marathon International Airport.

KW staying the course? Despite the certainty of at least four new faces on the Key West City Commission later this year, sitting commissioners saw continued support for the City's major proposed projects

Controversial measles outbreak response. Florida's surgeon general garnered national attention and widespread criticism for his advice to a Florida elementary school that may leave unvaccinated children at risk of contracting one of the most contagious pathogens on Earth, according to clinicians and public health experts.

No weird ducks in the pond. Mark Hedden invited us to experience his recent visit to Ft. Zach