07 November 2023

TDC audit failure - Weekly briefing - 7 November 2023

Human-curated Florida Keys news, all in one place. 

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TDC failed financial audit. An audit of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) — the Florida Keys’  tourism marketing agency — revealed significant concerns with its financial oversight and operations. Coverage in the Citizen, Keys Weekly, and WPLG Miami
Monroe traffic study also on the agenda. The U.S. 1 Arterial Travel Time and Delay Study was completed using the BOCC’s adopted methodology and indicated that the overall "Level of Service" (LOS) grade for the entire length of U.S. 1 has fallen from LOS C to LOS D, and there is no reserve capacity for additional trips. 
Committee says no to court consolidation, unanimously. During a virtual Nov. 3 meeting, a state judicial committee voted unanimously in favor of a motion to recommend keeping the circuit court district boundary structure intact. 
  • After weighing data and thousands of surveys from law professionals and the public, the committee will recommend no consolidation of Florida’s 20 circuit courts to state legislators. 
  • In June, Florida House Speaker Paul Renner tasked the state Supreme Court with analyzing a consolidation of the 20 judicial circuits. 
Charter workshop. The County Commission hosted a public workshop on Monday, Nov. 6, to discuss a proposal that would be the largest change to its form of government in recent decades. 
  • Earlier this year, the BOCC agreed to pursue changing the way it governs and instituting a charter form of government as a way to generate revenue for critical infrastructure programs without having to raise property taxes or go to the state Capitol to ask for funding.

Refuge closure. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be closing Boca Grande Key, Woman Key and the Marquesas Keys Nov. 8-12 to protect wildlife and critical habitat from disturbance. 

Daylight saving time ended at 2 a.m. on Sunday, and the earth continued its rotation without interruption. 

Slow news week. Did we miss something? Send us an email with a link.

Our Eyes

Dunlin on Big Pine Key - Philip Dodderidge.

Previously in Key West Voices

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